Our team
Cap 2020 is a versatile, close-knit team ready to help you realise your projects and offer you solutions tailored to your needs.​
Our team

Denis Boisgontier - Director
Graduated of Bordeaux Science Agro and passionated about agronomy, innovation and research, Denis is the Director of Cap 2020. Before setting up Cap 2020 in 2007, he played an active role from 1979 to 2006 at Arvalis - Institut du végétal (formerly ITCF) in developing and promoting a number of innovative agricultural advances:
early 1980s: simplified tillage techniques, now known as soil conservation agriculture,
in the early 1990s: Precision Agriculture, which he defined with the slogan "the right dose in the right place at the right time".
In his various roles at Arvalis, his expertise spans a wide range of fields: agronomy, and more specifically soil science, agricultural machinery, information technology, farm management (Boigneville experimental farm) and setting up and managing R&D projects.
Denis' latest project at Arvalis (the CITRAM project in conjunction with the CNES) is at the origin of the Virtual Weather Station® concept that he developed within Cap 2020.​

Julien Orensanz - Technical Manager
Agricultural engineer specialising in new technologies, Julien has been Technical Manager/CTO at Cap 2020 since 2011. He began his career at Geosys on joint projects with Arvalis - Institut du végétal, focusing on new technologies in agriculture, and then worked at Novimet, on radar-based rainfall measurement, with a programme involving data management and the implementation of critical services. At Cap 2020 Julien is responsible for guiding the technical choices and development of multi-partner and agroclimatology projects.

Cindy Lassoureille - Marketing & Communications Manager
Agricultural engineer specialising in new technologies for agriculture, Cindy is a graduate of Bordeaux Sciences Agro (AgroTIC option) and joined the team in 2016 when the CapTrap connected traps were launched. Today, as Marketing & Communications Manager, she is responsible for marketing the CapTrap and metIS offers, corporate communications and sales management for the CapTrap service, as well as continuing to manage a number of IT projects to which she has been contributing for several years (database and applications for the connected objects offered by Cap 2020, agroclimatic applications).​

Julien Delalondre - Image processing and analysis engineer
Electronics engineer specialising in signal and image processing, Julien is a graduate of ENSEIRB-Matméca in Bordeaux and joined the team in 2021 to help develop the company's R&D projects, in particular those relating to image analysis for CapTrap Vision.
Maxime Bobin -
Business Developer
Agronomy and international development engineer, Maxime is a graduate of ISTOM and joined the Cap 2020 team in 2023 as a Business Developer. He began his career as a Business Developer for RAGT Seeds in Sub-Saharan Africa, based in Kenya for 2 years.
Maxime's current role is to develop new partnerships and boost sales of the company's products and services on the French and international markets.​

Pauline Marie -
AgroTIC intern
Future agricultural engineer specialising in new technologies, with an AgroTIC option at Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Pauline joined Cap 2020 in 2023 as part of her end-of-studies internship. She is taking part in experiments on the metIS hub and in the development of the associated application.​